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Feet Comfort - or - OH! My aching foot!
Posted by bellalupo
5/9/2011  11:29:00 AM
I think I need your help. As dancers the comfort of your feet is of utmost importance. No feet! No Dancing! So I'm coming to you for advice.

I'm not a professional dancer but love the way I feel wearing backless high heels, except as I get older the balls of my feet, even in expensive shoes, ache and ask for help. From experience I know the custom fit insoles are the most effective but right now that option is out of my reach.

Are there effective cushions for the balls of our feet when wearing heels?

I'm hoping someone can recommend an over the counter product: i.e. insoles for high heels or a good cushion for the ball of my foot. I need to give my poor feet some relief.

Any feedback or guidance is greatly appreciated. Thanks so very much in advance.
Re: Feet Comfort - or - OH! My aching foot!
5/9/2011  3:46:00 PM
Dr. Shcoll's makes some clear gummy insoles specifically for ladies' open dress shoes. They've been my favorite so far. I don't remember the exact name, but you can get them at pretty much any CVS or Rite Aid or any other such drugstore. They help quite a bit, but the reality is, if high heels kill your feet, they will continue to do so regardless of what you put in them. I would recommend trying to find some attractive flats and saving high heels for only special occasions. Anyway, you know what your feet can handle. Good luck!
Re: Feet Comfort - or - OH! My aching foot!
Posted by Ladydance
5/10/2011  6:47:00 PM
Do you have dance shoes? Backless high heels are the worst shoes you can dance in. Also, you shouldn't wear anything above a 2 1/2 inch heel if you don't want a lot of pain in the soles of your feet.
Re: Feet Comfort - or - OH! My aching foot!
Posted by TangoFandango
5/11/2011  7:41:00 AM
Great balls of fire! I know at least two dancing ladies who have burning sensations under the balls of their feet. Those chicken fillets don't seem to help much.
Unfortunately, for serious dancers, your shoes need to be TIGHT, at least half a size below "comfort".
One thing I did pick up on an AT thread, a lady suggested that COLD water soaking helped soothe her feet after a lot of dancing; the colder the better.
Any lady like to test this?
Re: Feet Comfort - or - OH! My aching foot!
Posted by dheun
5/11/2011  2:41:00 PM
Ladies in my dance classes complain about foot pain on occasion, more often in the heel area, which means they are flirting with the annoying plantar fasciitis, which takes forever to calm down for athletes or dancers.
But I have been told that sometimes ball-of-foot pain is mistakenly assumed to be derived from plantar fasciitis. I looked up ball-of-foot pain and it said that a dull pain or numbness in the metatarsal region of the foot could instead be metatarsalgia, also called capsulitis.
I only bring this up to let you know in case you keep encountering pain -- even after you switch shoes.
Re: Feet Comfort - or - OH! My aching foot!
Posted by belleofyourball
5/12/2011  4:19:00 PM
You can go and get hypnosis...I did it and it works...well. Sometimes too well. If you do that you have to keep track of developing blisters and not knowing until it is too late.

The other thing Scottsdale ladies do...sigh...please everyone on here don't yell at me...

You can go and get collagen injections in the bottom of your feet. Part of why they hurt now is that all the padding between skin and bone degenerates as you get older. It is not that expensive and lasts a long time and your feet feel better so you can wear your heels until the cows come home.

Good luck!
Re: Feet Comfort - or - OH! My aching foot!
Posted by talisman
5/24/2011  1:56:00 PM
Why don't you suggest soaking feet in icy water befor the dance , num them with cold ?

Why not suhhest taking 3 pain killers, or a double Lidocane injection, should kill the feeling till the dance is over .

Suffer not now, suffer later.

Metatarsalgia is a chronic condition, you need use special orthotics in the show, no Dr. Sch...will help. Take this seriously, you may dance a few years, but you must walk on your feeor for the rest of your life.

Use flats, see a dr. get fitted orthotics, take antiflammatory medication as the swelling presses on a nerve causing pain !

Good luck, and do not wait for any cows to go anywhere :)

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